
Taste and smell function in Wolfram syndrome

Publication: Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases | Publication Date: February 22, 2020

Authors: Raul Alfaro, Tasha Doty, Anagha Narayanan, Heather Lugar, Tamara Hershey & M. Yanina Pepino


Background: Wolfram syndrome is a rare genetic disease characterized by insulin-dependent diabetes, optic nerve atrophy, sensorineural hearing loss and neurodegeneration. Although olfactory dysfunction, a classical clinical marker of neurodegenerative processes, has been reported in Wolfram syndrome, its use as a clinical marker in Wolfram is limited due to data scarcity. In addition, it is unknown whether Wolfram syndrome affects the sense of taste.

Alfaro, R., Doty, T., Narayanan, A. et al. Taste and smell function in Wolfram syndrome. Orphanet J Rare Dis 15, 57 (2020). Retrieved February 16, 2024, from https://doi.org/10.1186/s13023-020-1335-7