4th Annual Clinic on Wolfram Syndrome Held at St. Louis Children’s Hospital July 17-20th
The 2013 Wolfram Research Clinic was run over four days in mid July. A total of 22 patients, six of which were new, participated in MRI scans and many other measurements, totaling up to 326 individual appointments. This clinic is now truly international, with two families from outside of the US. Many researchers, clinicians, staff, volunteers and interpreters helped make this research clinic run smoothly and comfortably for the families. Highlights of the clinic include The Snow Foundation’s family dinner at The Wildflower Cafe and the Saturday research/clinical update for families. Speakers included Tamara Hershey, FumihikoUrano, Bess Marshal, and several other faculty members. For a look at the presentation that was given click on the link below.
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