Family Vacation Fun
I had a wonderful week spending time with my family at Sherman Reservoir in Nebraska.
The Gibilisco Girls
We were able to take our first family vacation in 13 years. With my parents store they were not able to get away together and then my sister was in college. Since my parents sold their store we are now able to spend quality time with each other.
My sister drove home with her puppy to spend the week with us. I had a lot of fun playing with her dog while she was here. We rented a cabin at the lake so we could go fishing. When we arrived at the marina we forgot that we girls did not have fishing licenses. It was no problem for my mom and sister to show their driving license to get it. When it came to me the person at the desk said “where is your license.” I told her “I’m blind I don’t have a license.” She laughed and said she was sorry but I have to have one to let you fish.
Out on the boat it was fun feeling the waves. You don’t need a license to drive the boat, so I was able to drive the boat since I had a wide open space with nothing to hit. The only problem I had was I was starting to get hot so my dad dropped me and my mom off at the cabin and they went out fishing again.
We girls took a day to go shopping. My sister wanted some new furniture. They were looking for rugs and told me to keep an eye out for one. “Haha, very funny” I said. It had been a busy week so I was getting tired. My fatigue factor kicked in and they had to set me down in a chair because I was so exhausted.
I loved spending time with my family. It was fun and everyone had a good time. They only problem I had was I hated how my disease had to be factored in to our experiences. My family is very understanding of it and it did not stop us from having fun. It is great having a close and wonderful family.
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