Entries by Dr. Fumihiko Urano


Patient-Based Therapeutics Part 3

Research Update from Dr. Fumihiko Urano Patient-Based Therapeutics Part 3 Instead of introducing my research activities,  I would like to introduce my colleagues today. I have a lot of colleagues who have been helping me develop diagnostics and therapeutics for Wolfram at the Washington University Medical Center. Without their help, I cannot accomplish anything. I […]

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Patient-Based Therapeutics Part 2

Research Update from Dr. Fumihiko Urano Patient-Based Therapeutics Part 2 We are taking an unconventional approach to develop therapeutics for Wolfram syndrome. I would call it “patient-based therapeutics.” This implies a few things. One of these is the “mechanism-based treatment.” How can we achieve this component of “patient-based therapeutics” for Wolfram syndrome? Here are our […]