
My Self Reflection by Federica D’Elia


It’s been about a year and a half since I was diagnosed with Wolfram syndrome. I look back and find myself self reflecting on my story and the emotional roller coaster that I have been though. When my doctors first gave me my diagnosis I felt strangely satisfied in some way. Until then, I had spent years in the unknown and plagued by symptoms that no one could give me an answer to. It was scary not knowing what was wrong with my body and also upset no one could tell me what was going on. I just kept hearing my doctors tell me ‘they are looking into it’ and ‘sorry we don’t have the answers’ but finally after years of unexplained symptoms, I finally had the answer I needed.

However it wasn’t long before a new wave of emotions came over me..  I first became angry that it had taken so long for them to find out I had Wolfram syndrome. Wolfram isn’t a disease with slow progression, so I felt I had lost a lot of valuable time not knowing how to fight this or knowing how to take my of myself in the best way possible. After I calmed down I began to feel alone and fearful. Since Wolfram syndrome is rare disease it only affects a small percentage of the population, I began to worry I would have a hard time finding a support group that would understand what I was going through.

Thankfully after days and months of research I found online support groups for Wolfram patients. My mind was finally at ease knowing I was no longer alone in this journey.  I feel so blessed to meet and talk to others like myself and hear their stories and my self esteem has recovered and grown through these amazing groups and individuals.

Today, thanks to myself, my family and other great supportive people in my life I have risen above my original emotions and now hold my head up high with a drive. Since being diagnosed with Wolfram syndrome my vision of life has changed. As Wolfram syndrome is a rare disease, I now know that I need to bring awareness of this awful disease. I didn’t want others to spend years alone with no diagnosis wondering what was wrong with them and why no one could give them answers. I want to make sure that they have all the resources they need to fight Wolfram syndrome as early has possible.

Although I have been through many difficulties in my life, I have also had so many amazing opportunities. I could have spent my life focused on all the negative aspects and been alone and at the bottom of a whole but I choose to look at the positive side of this. Once you hit rock bottom you can only go up from there. I have chosen to hold my head up high, climb up and help others up as well!

– Federica D’Elia