
Living With Wolfram Syndrome – Adam Zwan

Wolfram syndrome patient Adam Zwan and family at Christmas time

The Zwan family celebrating Christmas with their festive holiday sweaters.

A Little Worried?

I feel lucky to have a family that loves me as much as they do, but like everything in life, there are some consequences. Before being diagnosed with diabetes and then Wolfram Syndrome, I could visit family members and make it an enjoyable event. I still enjoy seeing family, but my presence has changed from a pleasant visit to a worrisome task.

In previous years, I would pay visits to parts of the family and there would be lots of food, fun, and laughter. In the past few years I have felt guilty for creating so much fear and worry that I think twice before packing a bag to stay the weekend at someones house. The fear and worry that I speak of is due to my health and its complications, creating this mindset of “I hope nothing goes wrong while he’s here.”   My visiting experiences are filled with “Can Adam eat this?  Has Adam eaten enough?  Is Adam in pain?  Does Adam need to go home early?  Lord I hope nothing happens while Adam is here.” I have had one or two issues with glucose levels during the evening that no longer occur, but each time I stay somewhere, my family is adamant about using a baby monitor and/or sleeping on the sofa next to me just to make sure nothing occurs while I’m asleep.

I am very thankful to have a family love me as much as I do, but pleasant experiences have certainly changed due to Wolfram Syndrome. When I get the feeling that I am a fly in the ointment and not a pleasant visitor, I just grit my teeth and say that it could be worse and accept it and count my blessings. I try to stay optimistic by hoping and praying that something will change for the better in the near future.