Wolfram research clinic is ongoing and our patients are going through many tests. At this year’s clinic, we are collecting blood samples from not only patients but also their parents and siblings. Why? The reason is we plan to measure “BIOMARKER” levels in these samples.

What is a biomarker? A biomarker is a molecule found in blood or tissues that is a sign of a disease. We found two candidate biomarkers for Wolfram syndrome. The levels of these biomarkers are higher in patients’ blood samples than in non-patients’ blood samples. These biomarkers can be used to see how patients respond to a treatment.Here is an example. Blue: Patients, Red: Non-Patients.

Here is another one. 1: Non-Patients, 2: Patients, 3: Patients after a treatment


Adam ZwanEveryone keeps telling me to be proud of myself for dealing with everything I am going through associated with Wolfram Syndrome and not be so hard on myself for any unexpected issue; it seems to always be easier said than done. I know that I have had my fair share of health issues and I am still willing and able to keep moving but incidents, like the one a couple days ago, make it difficult to wake up each morning and accept everything.

It all started with an abnormal schedule due to my on-call employment status. It was a pool class from 9 to 10 a.m., in a room that is kept at 86 degrees, which caused my glucose to fluctuate. After returning home I quickly put my ground turkey in the oven to bake for an hour. Within that hour my glucose dropped and the event began.

For about two hours I felt like I was in a living nightmare. Everything appeared out of order and misplaced. I kept trying to gain my bearings by saying my name and repeating my home address is and that is where I am. Repeatedly, I kept saying “what is going on; am I going insane? Get a hold of yourself!” During all this chaos my father called the house to find out that I sounded strange. The next thing I remember is waking up on the sofa with two EMS officers asking me questions and feeding me a turkey sandwich and orange juice. When I slowly returned coherent the officers informed me that they were called to check on me and when they arrived I was found on the sofa saying wild and unusual things.

To this day I continue replaying the incident step by step in my head trying to come to terms with it all and say ‘This is my life so do the best you can with what you have.” Thinking about events like these make me hurt all over and make me want to find a corner and ball my eyes out. Instead, I keep all negative thoughts and feelings bundled up inside and take it out on myself every morning at the gym. When speaking about my methods to family members they tell me that I should not be so hard on myself and to be proud of all my accomplishments dealing with diabetes and Wolfram Syndrome. In simplest terms, I cannot stop fighting for more and pushing forward with life

By Dr. Fumihiko Urano

Our annual Wolfram syndrome research clinic will start today, and I met with most of the patients and their families last night. I have been very impressed by them.

WS Clinic2014_Raquel Consent

9-year old Raquel Gebel signing her own consent form to participate in the 2014 clinic.

In this clinic, we don’t provide any treatment. We just collect information and samples from patients, their parents and siblings. All of them are so patient and wonderful human beings. My team has been working very hard to identify the best FDA approved drugs (currently used for other diseases) that could delay the progression of Wolfram syndrome (off-label). In parallel, we are developing new drugs specifically designed for Wolfram syndrome to stop the progression (requires clinical trials). We have made significant progress in the past 12 months and I plan to present my strategy on this coming Saturday.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014
By Dr. Fumihiko Urano

eyeWhy are we creating eye cells using skin cells from patients? More accurately, we are creating two different types of retinal cells using stem cells derived from skin fibroblasts of patients with Wolfram syndrome. We can immediately use these cells to understand the mechanisms of the disease and test the efficacy of candidate drugs. That’s a practical goal and should be achievable.

My audacious goal is to use these cells to replace damaged eye cells in patients. There are many theoretical and practical hurdles to accomplish this, but we should try. Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.

I had a wonderful week spending time with my family at Sherman Reservoir in Nebraska.

Gibilisco Girls

The Gibilisco Girls

We were able to take our first family vacation in 13 years. With my parents store they were not able to get away together and then my sister was in college.  Since my parents sold their store we are now able to spend quality time with each other.

My sister drove home with her puppy to spend the week with us.  I had a lot of fun playing with her dog while she was here.  We rented a cabin at the lake so we could go fishing.  When we arrived at the marina we forgot that we girls did not have fishing licenses.  It was no problem for my mom and sister to show their driving license to get it.  When it came to me the person at the desk said “where is your license.”  I told her “I’m blind I don’t have a license.” She laughed and said she was sorry but I have to have one to let you fish.

Out on the boat it was fun feeling the waves.  You don’t need a license to drive the boat, so I was able to drive the boat since I had a wide open space with nothing to hit.  The only problem I had was I was starting to get hot so my dad dropped me and my mom off at the cabin and they went out fishing again.

We girls took a day to go shopping.  My sister wanted some new furniture. They were looking for rugs and told me to keep an eye out for one. “Haha, very funny” I said. It had been a busy week so I was getting tired.  My fatigue factor kicked in and they had to set me down in a chair because I was so exhausted.

I loved spending time with my family.  It was fun and everyone had a good time. They only problem I had was I hated how my disease had to be factored in to our experiences.  My family is very understanding of it and it did not stop us from having fun. It is great having a close and wonderful family.

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